Internet auction

Application of items to the Internet auction

Give a precise and truthful description about the auction item. The information you give is used as such in the advertisement.

At first take a close view of the terms of auction.

Registration fee

  • » 75 € (24% VAT included) per item
  • » 50 € (24% VAT included) for a member of SHKL or SRHK
  • » You can buy a statement of the horse’s genealogy (example site here) from Starinita Oy. It’s voluntary extra service and costs 75 € (VAT incl.) per horse. It is especially recommendable to horses registered abroad.

Pay the registration fee to the bank account of Starinita Oy FI77 5297 0241 97 when you register your items. It’s also recommended to attach payment receipt into same email with the application.

Write following issues to the message field: Internet auction, the name of the horse (or others items you want to sell).

Registration fee is debited, although the item would be withdrawn from the auction.

ATTENTION! If you sell a stallion share:
Write detailed information about the item in the sellers’ comments. E.g. veterinary costs, transport costs etc. that are not included in the share and remain to be paid by the buyer in addition to the auction price.


E-mail to the address:

The horse in sale:

  • » Name of the horse
  • » Gender
  • » Registration number
  • » Pedigree (sire – dam – dam’s sire)
  • » The seller’s comment: Include all significant details of the sales item. Also tell if the horse is staying elsewhere than in the owner’s address. Information you give is used in the advertisement as such.
  • » Does the selling price include VAT?
  • » Sales period (1-7 days), starting price and the minimum raise of your choice.

Enclose to the e-mail a photo/photos of the horse and potential veterinary certificate or pregnancy certificate of a broodmare (pdf).

Other sales items:

Give a precise and truthful description about the item and send photos by e-mail. Inform if the price includes VAT. You can choose, as well as with horses, sales period, starting price and minimum raise to the item.

Contact information for the sellers:

  • » Name
  • » VAT ID, if you are liable to VAT
  • » Street address, postcode and post office
  • » Phone number
  • » E-mail address
  • » Are you a member of SHKL or SRHK? (Also mention if you are interested to become a member. Members get discount for the registration fee.)
  • » Remember to create your own account to the auction site (link to the site)

By sending a form of application I assure that I am familiar with the auction terms (link here).

Both the buyers and the sellers should create accounts to -site. Registration is free.

Further information and contacts:

Suomen Hevosenomistajien Keskusliitto ry
Jokimaankatu 6 A, 15700 Lahti
p. +358 40 502 4987
p. +358 3 734 2281 (9:00-15:00)